
Far-from-equilibrium softmatter Lab. (Sumino Lab.)


Main theme:Physics of Nonequilibrium Phenomena/Softmatter/Life.
Target: Interfacial Phenometa / Crystal growth / Self-propelled particles / Colloid / Selforganization / Swarm in biology / granular matter
Technique: Experiment, numerical simulation, theory
Our interest is to mimic complex natural phenomena often seen in biological,geological, and engineering system with a simple physico-chemical systems. These system share similar background, where they are composed of "softmatter" and under "far-from-equilibrium condition". In such situation, spatio-temporal order can spontaneously emerges. We try to build simpler experimental systems, mimicing essential features of target system, and analyze it with motion imaging, understand it with mathematical modeling and numerical simulations.

Softmatter is a system with meso-scale ordered structure, and hence, there response to the external load is slow and soft.

Crystal growth, convective patterns, cellular aggregates, and living organisms are examples of systems far-from-equilibrium.
As you would see, they form beautiful spatio-temporal pattern out of disorder.

In our laboratory, we study such soft condensed matter under far-from-equilibrium conditions to find physical aspect of living systems.

Followings are examples of our research topics:
Interfacial convection, Spontaneous motion of droplet, Collective motion of self-moving rod-like proteins
Contact line dynamics of viscoelastic fluid, Debonding process of adhesive,Wetting behavior of liquid surrounded by gel particle
Collective motion of camphor grain, Drying process of wet-granular material,Chaotic motion of pendulum, Chemical garden

If you have any interests, please contact us, or feel free to visit our lab. Research Build. 8F, Katsushika Campus, Tokyo University of Science
PI: Yutaka Sumino

Research Grant

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Area, MEXT, Japan. Science of Slow Earthquakes.
"Unified Understanding of Slow and Regular Earthquakes from Nonequilibrium Physics Point of View" JSPS Kakenhi Grant No. JP16H06478, (Oct. 2016- Mar. 2021) Leader:Takahiro HATANO, Co-investigator
Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research, MEXT, Japan.
JSPS Kakenhi Grant No. JP16K13866, (Apr. 2016-Mar. 2018) Leader
Collaboration with Institute for Molecular Sciences (collaboration with Yutaka Shikano (Apr. 2016- Mar. 2017)
"2016 Network Joint Research Center for Matrerials and Devices" with Hokkaido University (20161033:Apr. 2016-Mar. 2017)
JSPS Bilateral Joint Research Program between Japan and the Polish Academy of Sciences,(Apr. 2015- Mar. 2017) Co-investigator
"2015 Network Joint Research Center for Matrerials and Devices" with Hokkaido University, (2015053:Apr. 2015- Mar. 2016)
"2014 Network Joint Research Center for Matrerials and Devices" with Hokkaido University, (2014065:Apr. 2014- Mar. 2015)
"2013 Network Joint Research Center for Matrerials and Devices" with Hokkaido University, (2013037:Apr. 2013- Mar. 2014)
Grant-in-aid for Young Scientists (B), JSPS Kakenhi Grant No. 24740287 (Apr. 2012-Mar. 2015) Grant-in-aid for Research Activity Start-up, JSPS Kakenhi Grant No. 23840019 (Jul. 2011- Mar. 2012)
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) JSPS Kakenhi Grant No. 2134002301, Leader:Masaharu Nagayama (Apr. 2011-Mar. 2012) Co-investigator
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) JSPS Kakenhi Grant No. 2024406701, Leader: Masao Doi(Apr. 2011-Mar. 2012) Co-investigator
Discretionary expenses of Aichi University of Education,(Apr. 2011-Mar. 2012)
Research fellowship from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) for Young Scientists (PD)(Apr. 2009 - Mar. 2012)
Research fellowship from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) for Young Scientists (DC1)(Apr. 2006 - Mar. 2009)