This page is mainly for my students and my memorandum.


Takao Satoh (Prof. Dr.)

Department of Mathematics (Japanese)
Faculty of Science, Division II (Japanese)
Tokyo University of Science

1-3 Kagurazaka, Shinjuku, Tokyo, 162-8601, Japan

Taken by my daughter at Yokohama in 2011

Geometry group in Bonn in 2017 and 2018

 The University of Bonn,
 Max Planck Institute for Mathematics,

Scientific staff
 Professor Dr.(Em.) Werner Ballmann,  Professorin Dr. Ursula Hamenstädt,
 Dr. Sebastian Hensel,  Professor Dr.(Em.) Hermann Karcher,
 Dr. Bram Petri,  Dr. Anna Siffert,  Dr. Yuan Zhou, and me.

Active and exciting mathematics, and very nice atmosphere!

           End-of-year Dinner at Köln in December 2017 →


  The answers to some questions

   - Our University is a private university located in the city center of Tokyo.
   - "Division II" means the faculty for the night school.

- 理学部第一部数学科別の学部の学科です.

- 文部省には理学部数学科として申請しているので,学外では理学部数学科と

- 大学院に第一部,第二部の別はありません.理学研究科には,数学専攻,応用数学専攻,

Tokyo University of Science in 2011


  Erratum for my books

  - 複数の方々より,拙著内に誤植や論述におかしな点があることをご指摘いただきました.ご迷惑をお掛けした方々に深くお詫び申し上げます.

   シローの定理,大学数学スポットライトシリーズ第1巻,近代科学社,訂正表(初版), 2022.5.28.更新
   群の表示,大学数学スポットライトシリーズ第6巻,近代科学社,訂正表, 2021.10.18.更新
   テキストブック線形代数,裳華房,訂正表, 2021.12.8.更新
   群のコホモロジー,大学数学スポットライトシリーズ第10巻,近代科学社,訂正表, 2022.6.28.更新

  Renewal of our faculty's Web

  - With Professor Dr. Meguro and Professor Dr. Takahashi, we are maintaining the website of the Faculty.
  - We also have FB and X(Previously known as Twitter). For details about renewals, see here.(Japanese)
  - For the movie for the Open-Campus of our faculty, see here and here.
   Our sincere gratitude to Ms. Rika Suzuki, a student of Department of Mathematics, and the winner of the beauty pageant of Tokyo University of Science in 2017.

  Singularity Theory and Topology seminar at TUS

  - We are organizing Singularity and Topology Seminar with Prof. Dr. Hirose.

  2S Lecture by Professor Dr.(Em.) Shigeyuki Morita

  - 以前に,森田茂之先生(東京大学・東京工業大学名誉教授)に位相幾何学に関する講義を行って頂いておりました.
  - たくさんの方々にお越し頂き大変嬉しく思っています.ありがとうございました.

  - 森田先生の第2回日本数学会賞小平邦彦賞を心よりお祝い申し上げます.


Curriculum vitae   Research interests    Publications  Talks

Grants    Conferences    Singularity Theory and Topology seminar

Lectures   Lect. movie (Youtube)   Our Laboratory   Satoh-kai(佐藤会)

Regulations of TUS    Farewell for professors

My Favarites

   With Wisława Szymborska and a cat.
   Taken by Professor Dr. Pawałowski at Kórnik in 2017.




Thanks to Verdant place  and  blue-green
 for supplying free website development resources.

Please guess my valid e-mail address from

Please note that my former e-mail addresses
  takao[-(at)-],  takao[-(at)-] and takao[-(at)-]
 are no longer valid.

Taken by Professor Dr. Vespa in November 2017
  at Strasbourg, Capitale de Noël.

  Update Log

   - Last update: 1. 2. 2024.

   - Moved in April 2011. (Tokyo University of Science
   - Since May 2009. (Kyoto University

      Taken by Professor Dr. Watanabe in February 2018
      at Marseille. 